
Geomechanics modeling provides solutions to many problems that E&P industry facing. Problems, such as wellbore stability, pre-job hydraulic fracturing modeling, sand production, subsidence, production assessment in cases of reservoir compaction, injection efficiency. Predictability of the model is strongly depending on the geomechanics data acquired, and on the consistent way the data to be incorporated into the model. Quite often geomechanics models provided by a service company lacks predictability due to the gaps in the geomechanics data as well as due to a mistreatment of the data by purely geomechanics specialists. Coming from petrophysics/rock-physics and acoustic processing background our specialists having deep understanding of the input data and ability to identify and correct the data affected by the wellbore environment. Our approach is to work in close cooperation with the client’s domain specialists to assure the most efficient data transfer, knowledge sharing and optimal implementation of the results in client’s operations.

  • Our team can provide QC of the geomechanics input data and to identify the gaps crucial for the modeling, to provide recommendations for the data acquisition.
  • We can support you in data acquisition, including laboratory core samples testing and hydraulic fracturing supervision.
  • Provide 1D and 3D Geomechanics modeling using some unique solutions based on the rock-physics approach.
  • Implementations supervision.

1D wellbore stability


1D and 3D workflow

3D calibration to 1D
